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articles by one tough job

Planning ​Playdates for Your Child

Source: one tough job

Playgroups and play dates are excellent for your child and for you. Your child will have some fun, develop social skills playing with another child, and even play and experiment with toys that you may not have in your house.

Toddler Biting

Source: one tough job

Biting is common for many toddlers. Toddlers may bite because it feels good on their teething gums or as a way to express an emotion they are feeling.

Toddler Tantrums

Source: one tough job

Toddlers use temper tantrums as a way of communicating and dealing with big feelings. Tantrums can happen at any time, even when your toddler appeared well-rested and content a minute before.

displaying 31-34 of 34 results