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articles by one tough job

Reading about Diversity

Source: one tough job

The Reading About Diversity (R.A.D.) Series is a Kindergarten -5th grade program that is run by parent volunteers. The curriculum, designed by two educators with expertise in diversity and literacy, will help our students to better understand and celebrate our diverse world. At each grade level, five children’s books have been selected with related questions already prepared. Each book also includes writing and/or drawing extensions. Each lesson takes about forty-five minutes to an hour and takes place in your child’s classroom.

100 Kids Books Under $5

Source: one tough job

It is recommended that kids hear/read 1000 books before they reach kindergarten. If you're on a tight budget, but still want to encourage your little ones to read, try these fantastic books all around five dollars.

100 Books About the Arts

Source: one tough job

It's recommended that kids hear or read 1,000 books before they reach kindergarten. These 100 artistic books are part of our #1000Books Series.

100 Books About Life's Lessons

Source: one tough job

It's recommended that kids hear or read 1,000 books before they reach kindergarten. These 100 thoughtful books are part of our #1000Books Series.

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